Eternity in Revolution Idle is a significant prestige layer that unlocks new gameplay mechanics, offering substantial boosts to player progression. Here's an overview of how Eternity works and its key features:
Unlocking Eternity
- Requirement: Eternity is unlocked when players reach 1.79e308 Infinity Points (IP). Once this threshold is met, IP generation stops, and players can choose to "Eternate," resetting most progress except for achievements and soul purchases.
- Eternity Bonuses: Upon entering Eternity, players receive stat multipliers that persist across Eternities:
- Mult Gain x2
- Lap Speed x2
- Ascension Power x1.10
- Infinity Gain x2
- Generators power x2.14
- Stardust Gain x10.
Key Features and Milestones
- Eternity Zoo and Animals: After completing the second Eternity, players unlock the Eternity Zoo, where they can purchase animals that provide additional boosts. For example, the first available animal, the Cat, multiplies IP gain by the number of Eternities achieved.
- Slowdown Feature: This feature allows players to slow down their progress in exchange for free Ascensions, which can significantly boost IP gain.
- Eternity Challenges: These challenges become available after completing eight Eternities. They introduce modifiers that make runs more challenging but offer rewards like additional Animal Points.
- Milestones: Each Eternity milestone unlocks new features or enhancements:
- Milestone 1: Basic boosts for progression.
- Milestone 2: All automations remain unlocked.
- Milestone 3: Unlock Eternity Zoo.
- Milestone 6: Unlock Eternity Challenges.
- Milestone 10: Breaks Eternity.
Strategies for Success
- Automation: Setting up efficient automation is crucial for maximizing progress while idle or AFK. This includes configuring Auto Ascensions and Auto Buyables to optimize resource gain.
- Eternity Challenges: Success in these challenges requires strategic planning, focusing on multipliers and resource management. Completing achievements up to \#76 before starting challenges is recommended.
Overall, Eternity in Revolution Idle offers a rich layer of gameplay that enhances progression through strategic multipliers and challenges, making the game more engaging and complex.